5 Reasons Why We Always Come Home on Christmas

Published on August 20, 2024  | 2 minutes read read
5 Reasons Why We Always Come Home on Christmas

Once the Christmas spirit sets in, we always yearn for the indescribable warmth and comfort that we feel when we’re surrounded by our loved ones, which is why, Filipinos always find their way back home no matter what. Now the question is, why is celebrating at home truly incomparable? Here are some of the reasons why!


1. Everyone has a smile on their face. As cliché as this may sound, the spirit of Christmas brings out the best in every Filipino. It’s a season where everyone is kind, generous, and extra loving. As a matter of fact, it can be felt anywhere you go – malls, restaurants, parks, and more. Suffice it to say, it makes us feel more connected than ever!


2. Traditional Family Reunions. The holiday season is never complete without some awkward-at-first yet fun-loving reunions with your titos, titas, ninong, ninang, and other long-distance family! Once the ice has been broken, that’s when the endless conversation starts pouring – making it one of the best family highlights of Christmas time.


3. Your Mom’s Signature Noche Buena Recipe. Does reading this leave your taste buds tingling with anticipation? Let’s face it. Even though you’ve tried the same recipe from other restaurants, nothing beats Mom’s homecooked specialty. For many of us, Noche Buena is incomplete without it as it brings back the fondest memories of our holidays as children, and only Mom has the power to do that!


4. A Fully Stocked Refrigerator. This is one of the reasons why Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. The abundance of food gracing our refrigerator and stomachs makes the season more festive. Not to mention, those generous neighbors who sprinkle the neighborhood with their delectable recipes also add extra joy to the table. Hence, ‘tis truly the season for a fully stocked fridge!


5. Your Family Forming a Welcoming Committee. If you think you’re the only one looking forward to coming home, your family on the other side is quietly forming a welcoming committee to prepare for your homecoming. From creating heartfelt signs, cooking up your favorite dishes, tidying up your room to maybe doing all these things at once! Nonetheless, they are undoubtedly the best welcoming committee you could ever ask for!


To put it simply, Christmas isn’t just a holiday in the Philippines, but it’s a heartfelt journey that brings us back home to a place of love, warmth, and classic traditions. Our “Umuwi sa Alaga” campaign captures the very essence of Filipino homecoming spirit. And with Condura appliances by your side, we’re here to be your companions in creating those priceless moments.


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